Wednesday, January 22, 2014

the liebster award ♡

yay! ♡ thanks so much to isobel for nominating me for the liebster award! you & your blog are perfect! I can't believe it especially since my blog isn't even a week old yet omg!!

Here are the rules: 
1. Link the blog that nominated you for the award.
2. Choose 11 bloggers to nominate who have less than 200 followers.
3. Answer 11 questions given to you. 
4. Let people who you have nominated know you have done so.
5. You can't nominate the person who has nominated you.
6. Create 11 questions for the people you nominated to answer.
7. You must follow the blog that nominated you. 

here are my answers to the questions isobel asked :)

1. Why did you start your blog?
I've always wanted to start a youtube channel but I'm way too shy in front of a camera :( I figured a blog would be a better way to share my fashion & beauty thoughts :)

2. Where are you from?
I'm from michigan in the us :)

3. Favourite music artist/s?
one direction, drake, danny brown, ed sheeran

4. What did you/do you want to be?
I want to do something with fashion for sure

5. Have you dyed your hair before?
never! redhead 4ever

6. Favourite make-up brand?
♡ benefit ♡ ily

7. The worst food ever?
I'm really picky so there's so many things I don't like :(

8. Heels or flats?
I wish I could say heels for this question but honestly I'm horrible in them lol so I have to say flats :)

9. Do you have a special talent?
I've played the violin for years, does that count as a special talent?!

10. What was your favourite subject at school?
I always liked math the most :)

11. What's your favourite city? If you have one. 
any city in the uk because I want to go there soooo bad omg :( uk bloggers can i please stay at your house? hehe :)


1. where are you from?
2. what's your favorite makeup brand?
3. what's your favorite clothing store?
4. why did you start your blog?
5. do you have/want any tattoos?
6. what perfume do you wear the most?
7. who's your fashion inspiration?
8. who's your favorite blogger?
9.what's your dream job?
10. if you had to eat one meal forever, what would it be?
11. heels or flats?



  1. I've actually already done a Liebster Award post on my blog, but thank you so much for the nomination! :) xx
